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Analyse chimique : méthodes et techniques instrumentales modernes : cours et exercices résolus / Rouessac, F.
Titre : Analyse chimique : méthodes et techniques instrumentales modernes : cours et exercices résolus Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Rouessac, F. ; Rouessac, A. Mention d'édition : Dunod Editeur : Dunod Année de publication : 2000 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-10-004971-4 Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : ANALYSE CHIMIQUE CHROMATOGRAPHIE METHODE SEPARATIVE ELECTROPHORESE ELECTROCHROMATOGRAPHIE METHODE SPECTROMETRIQUE SPECTROMETRIE SPECTROSCOPIE DOSAGE PAR MARQUAGE ANALYSEUR ELEMENTAIRE METHODE POTENTIOMETRIQUE METHODE VOLTAMPEROMETRIQUE METHODE COULOMETRIQUE Index. décimale : 540 Chimie et sciences connexes Analyse chimique : méthodes et techniques instrumentales modernes : cours et exercices résolus [texte imprimé] / Rouessac, F. ; Rouessac, A. . - Dunod . - Dunod, 2000.
ISBN : 978-2-10-004971-4
Langues : Français (fre)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1°0059573 ER 6641 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Book 5, chapter 2 : determination of minor elements in water byemission spectroscopy / Barnett, P. R.
Titre : Book 5, chapter 2 : determination of minor elements in water byemission spectroscopy Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Barnett, P. R. ; Mallory, E. C. Mention d'édition : U S Government Printing Office Editeur : U S Government Printing Office Année de publication : 1971 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-07710 Note générale : "With the emission spectrograph, the analyst is able to deteminer many minor elements simultaneously in water samples. Spectrographic, method differ chieffly in techniques of preconcentrating the elements. For water with dissolved solids of less than 1, 000 milligrams per liter, the method of evaporating to dryness and determining the elements in the dried residue is sensitive, precise reasonably accurate. The low limits of detection vary with the quantity of dissolved solids. Twenty four elements are determined by this method. This method is faster than the thioacetined by this method, but at the sacrifice of some elements. A fortran IV computer program for processing densitometric data is given in the section ""computer program""." Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Analyse de l'eau Méthodologie PRECIPITATIONS Ordinateur Echantillonnage Hydraulique urbaine Spectroscopie Méthode manuelle Méthode complexométrique Emission spectrographique Index. décimale : 621.2 Hydraulique : turbines, pompes, accumulateurs, transmission hydraulique Résumé : "With the emission spectrograph, the analyst is able to deteminer many minor elements simultaneously in water samples. Spectrographic, method differ chieffly in techniques of preconcentrating the elements. For water with dissolved solids of less than 1, 000 milligrams per liter, the method of evaporating to dryness and determining the elements in the dried residue is sensitive, precise reasonably accurate. The low limits of detection vary with the quantity of dissolved solids. Twenty four elements are determined by this method. This method is faster than the thioacetined by this method, but at the sacrifice of some elements. A fortran IV computer program for processing densitometric data is given in the section ""computer program""." Note de contenu : "With the emission spectrograph, the analyst is able to deteminer many minor elements simultaneously in water samples. Spectrographic, method differ chieffly in techniques of preconcentrating the elements. For water with dissolved solids of less than 1, 000 milligrams per liter, the method of evaporating to dryness and determining the elements in the dried residue is sensitive, precise reasonably accurate. The low limits of detection vary with the quantity of dissolved solids. Twenty four elements are determined by this method. This method is faster than the thioacetined by this method, but at the sacrifice of some elements. A fortran IV computer program for processing densitometric data is given in the section ""computer program""." Book 5, chapter 2 : determination of minor elements in water byemission spectroscopy [texte imprimé] / Barnett, P. R. ; Mallory, E. C. . - U S Government Printing Office . - U S Government Printing Office, 1971.
ISSN : CI-07710
"With the emission spectrograph, the analyst is able to deteminer many minor elements simultaneously in water samples. Spectrographic, method differ chieffly in techniques of preconcentrating the elements. For water with dissolved solids of less than 1, 000 milligrams per liter, the method of evaporating to dryness and determining the elements in the dried residue is sensitive, precise reasonably accurate. The low limits of detection vary with the quantity of dissolved solids. Twenty four elements are determined by this method. This method is faster than the thioacetined by this method, but at the sacrifice of some elements. A fortran IV computer program for processing densitometric data is given in the section ""computer program""."
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Analyse de l'eau Méthodologie PRECIPITATIONS Ordinateur Echantillonnage Hydraulique urbaine Spectroscopie Méthode manuelle Méthode complexométrique Emission spectrographique Index. décimale : 621.2 Hydraulique : turbines, pompes, accumulateurs, transmission hydraulique Résumé : "With the emission spectrograph, the analyst is able to deteminer many minor elements simultaneously in water samples. Spectrographic, method differ chieffly in techniques of preconcentrating the elements. For water with dissolved solids of less than 1, 000 milligrams per liter, the method of evaporating to dryness and determining the elements in the dried residue is sensitive, precise reasonably accurate. The low limits of detection vary with the quantity of dissolved solids. Twenty four elements are determined by this method. This method is faster than the thioacetined by this method, but at the sacrifice of some elements. A fortran IV computer program for processing densitometric data is given in the section ""computer program""." Note de contenu : "With the emission spectrograph, the analyst is able to deteminer many minor elements simultaneously in water samples. Spectrographic, method differ chieffly in techniques of preconcentrating the elements. For water with dissolved solids of less than 1, 000 milligrams per liter, the method of evaporating to dryness and determining the elements in the dried residue is sensitive, precise reasonably accurate. The low limits of detection vary with the quantity of dissolved solids. Twenty four elements are determined by this method. This method is faster than the thioacetined by this method, but at the sacrifice of some elements. A fortran IV computer program for processing densitometric data is given in the section ""computer program""." Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B710.150418 CI-07710 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B710.150417 CI-07710 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B710.150416 CI-07710 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B710.150415 CI-07710 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B710.150414 CI-07710 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B710.150413 CI-07710 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B710.150412 CI-07710 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B710.150411 CI-07710 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Book 5, chapter A4 : methods for collection and analysis of aquatic biological and microbiological samples / Slack, K. V.
Titre : Book 5, chapter A4 : methods for collection and analysis of aquatic biological and microbiological samples Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Slack, K. V. ; Averett, R. ; Greeson, P. E. Mention d'édition : U.S. Government printing office Editeur : U.S. Government Printing Office Année de publication : 1973 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-07696 Note générale : Chapter A4 of the manual containts methods used by the US geological survey to collect, preserve and analyse waters for their biological and microbiological properties. Among the topics discussed in part 1 are aquatic habitants and communities, biological sampling and sampling statistics, and use of the microscope. The statistical procedures are accompanied by examples. Part 2 consists of descriptions of 30 individuals method including those for bacteria, seston, chlorophyll, diatoms, phytoplandton, zooplankton, periphyton, primary productivity... each method is summarized, and the application, interferences, apparatus, reagents, collection, analysis, calculations, reporting of results, precipitation and references are given - part 3 consists of a glossary. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Ressource en eau Eau souterraine Statistique Analyse biologique Qualité de l'eau Agriculture Microbiologie Analyse de l'eau Méthodologie Santé Recherche médicale Organisme aquatique Spectroscopie Index. décimale : 546.22 Eau Résumé : Chapter A4 of the manual containts methods used by the US geological survey to collect, preserve and analyse waters for their biological and microbiological properties. Among the topics discussed in part 1 are aquatic habitants and communities, biological sampling and sampling statistics, and use of the microscope. The statistical procedures are accompanied by examples. Part 2 consists of descriptions of 30 individuals method including those for bacteria, seston, chlorophyll, diatoms, phytoplandton, zooplankton, periphyton, primary productivity... each method is summarized, and the application, interferences, apparatus, reagents, collection, analysis, calculations, reporting of results, precipitation and references are given - part 3 consists of a glossary. Note de contenu : Chapter A4 of the manual containts methods used by the US geological survey to collect, preserve and analyse waters for their biological and microbiological properties. Among the topics discussed in part 1 are aquatic habitants and communities, biological sampling and sampling statistics, and use of the microscope. The statistical procedures are accompanied by examples. Part 2 consists of descriptions of 30 individuals method including those for bacteria, seston, chlorophyll, diatoms, phytoplandton, zooplankton, periphyton, primary productivity... each method is summarized, and the application, interferences, apparatus, reagents, collection, analysis, calculations, reporting of results, precipitation and references are given - part 3 consists of a glossary. Book 5, chapter A4 : methods for collection and analysis of aquatic biological and microbiological samples [texte imprimé] / Slack, K. V. ; Averett, R. ; Greeson, P. E. . - U.S. Government printing office . - U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973.
ISSN : CI-07696
Chapter A4 of the manual containts methods used by the US geological survey to collect, preserve and analyse waters for their biological and microbiological properties. Among the topics discussed in part 1 are aquatic habitants and communities, biological sampling and sampling statistics, and use of the microscope. The statistical procedures are accompanied by examples. Part 2 consists of descriptions of 30 individuals method including those for bacteria, seston, chlorophyll, diatoms, phytoplandton, zooplankton, periphyton, primary productivity... each method is summarized, and the application, interferences, apparatus, reagents, collection, analysis, calculations, reporting of results, precipitation and references are given - part 3 consists of a glossary.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Ressource en eau Eau souterraine Statistique Analyse biologique Qualité de l'eau Agriculture Microbiologie Analyse de l'eau Méthodologie Santé Recherche médicale Organisme aquatique Spectroscopie Index. décimale : 546.22 Eau Résumé : Chapter A4 of the manual containts methods used by the US geological survey to collect, preserve and analyse waters for their biological and microbiological properties. Among the topics discussed in part 1 are aquatic habitants and communities, biological sampling and sampling statistics, and use of the microscope. The statistical procedures are accompanied by examples. Part 2 consists of descriptions of 30 individuals method including those for bacteria, seston, chlorophyll, diatoms, phytoplandton, zooplankton, periphyton, primary productivity... each method is summarized, and the application, interferences, apparatus, reagents, collection, analysis, calculations, reporting of results, precipitation and references are given - part 3 consists of a glossary. Note de contenu : Chapter A4 of the manual containts methods used by the US geological survey to collect, preserve and analyse waters for their biological and microbiological properties. Among the topics discussed in part 1 are aquatic habitants and communities, biological sampling and sampling statistics, and use of the microscope. The statistical procedures are accompanied by examples. Part 2 consists of descriptions of 30 individuals method including those for bacteria, seston, chlorophyll, diatoms, phytoplandton, zooplankton, periphyton, primary productivity... each method is summarized, and the application, interferences, apparatus, reagents, collection, analysis, calculations, reporting of results, precipitation and references are given - part 3 consists of a glossary. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B696.141187 CI-07696 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B696.141188 CI-07696 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B696.141189 CI-07696 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B696.141190 CI-07696 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B696.141191 CI-07696 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B696.141192 CI-07696 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B696.141193 CI-07696 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B696.141194 CI-07696 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Structure et modéle / Noahgamveng, J.
Titre : Structure et modéle Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Noahgamveng, J. ; Olschwang, D. ; Avon, J. Mention d'édition : Presses Universitaires Editeur : Presses Universitaires Année de publication : 1995 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : ER 3861 Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : MATIERE MACROSCOPIE ASPECT MICROSCOPIQUE SPECTROSCOPIE RADIOACTIVITE ENERGIE POLYMERE CHIMIE MAGNETISME CHIMIE MINERALE ATOME ELECTRONIQUE LIAISON COVALENTE LIAISON METALLIQUE DECHET NUCLEAIRE Index. décimale : 614 Santé publique et sujets connexes. Médecine préventive Structure et modéle [texte imprimé] / Noahgamveng, J. ; Olschwang, D. ; Avon, J. . - Presses Universitaires . - Presses Universitaires, 1995.
ISSN : ER 3861
Langues : Français (fre)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité ER99B861.20721 ER 3861 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER99B861.20722 ER 3861 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER99B861.20723 ER 3861 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER99B861.20724 ER 3861 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER99B861.20725 ER 3861 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER99B861.20726 ER 3861 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER99B861.20727 ER 3861 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER99B861.20728 ER 3861 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible