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Annex IV - 2 - Prevalence of onchocerciasis and blindness in the programme area, baseline data sources
Annex IV - 2 - Prevalence of onchocerciasis and blindness in the programme area, baseline data sources [texte imprimé] . - PNUD OMS . - PNUD OMS, 1973. ISSN : CI-07258 The present annex includes all of the currently avaitlble information on the currently available information on the disease in the programme area . Although the survey is still incomplete, it provides an up to date comprehensive account of all individual commun nities for wich survey records on onchocerciasis were obtainable . Special efforts were made to trace unpublished records congealed in the archives of smaller medical field stations or kept in the fites of individual investigators... Langues : Anglais (eng)
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CI03B258.142899 | CI-07258 | Monographie | Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga | Fond documentaire | Disponible |