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Agronomy journal. Runoff farming in the desert / EVenari, M.
Agronomy journal. Runoff farming in the desert [texte imprimé] / EVenari, M. ; Shanan, L. ; Tadmor, N. H. . - Rockfeller- Foundation . - Rockfeller- Foundation, 1967-1971. ISSN : CI-04687 This paper is consists of two volumes extract from Agronomy journal. The first volume is the first of a series dealing with the exploitation of surface runoff in the Negev desert of Israël, supported by the rockffeler-foundation ofNew york and the Edmond and James de Roth-Schild Group. The second volume is the fith of a series dealing with an exploitation of surface runoff in the 80 to 10 mm rainfall Negev york and James de Rothschild Memorial Group. Experimental conditions and layout are described in the first volume persistence and yields of annual range species are evoke in the second volume. Langues : Anglais (eng)
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CI03687.165715 | CI-04687 | Rapport | Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga | Fond documentaire | Disponible |