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Evidence from south - indian laterites (buchanan 1807) corroborated by phenomena observed in africa, south - America and in Europe too, subbstantiates the conclusion that lateritization alias plinthitization is a specific soil forming process / Chmidt - Lorenz, R.
Evidence from south - indian laterites (buchanan 1807) corroborated by phenomena observed in africa, south - America and in Europe too, subbstantiates the conclusion that lateritization alias plinthitization is a specific soil forming process [texte imprimé] / Chmidt - Lorenz, R. . - Institute for world forestery . - Institute for world forestery, 1975. ISSN : CI-09956 Laterie material from the type locality in south India (Buchana 1807), from Africa, south America and also from Europe has been evaluated by thin section, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron micros copy and electron mincrprobe. These comparative investigations have led to the conclusion that the pedomorphogenetic process of lateritization, as podzolization or gleying, is a main process of soil formation. In principle, Kaolinitic clay minreals with absorbed amorphous ferric hydroxide are being in- situ transformed to hematite, optinally also to gibbsite, and mostly also to goethite, but in subordinate quantities... Langues : Anglais (eng)
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CI04B956.127970 | CI-09956 | Rapport | Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga | Fond documentaire | Disponible |
CI04B956.127969 | CI-09956 | Rapport | Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga | Fond documentaire | Disponible |
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CI04B956.127967 | CI-09956 | Rapport | Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga | Fond documentaire | Disponible |
CI04B956.127966 | CI-09956 | Rapport | Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga | Fond documentaire | Disponible |
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CI04B956.127963 | CI-09956 | Rapport | Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga | Fond documentaire | Disponible |