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The science of the Clouds / Triker, R. A. R.
The science of the Clouds [texte imprimé] / Triker, R. A. R. . - American Elsevier Mills & Boon . - American Elsevier Mills & Boon, 1970. ISBN : 978-0-263-69982-1 This book is presented by Dr Tricker. It begins by classification of the clouds and the description of the significance of some of the names given to them.Il presents also discussions on around the causes and effects of fogs and smogs, the built-up of thunderstorns and cyclones and the optical effects of haloes and rainbows. The final chapter contains suggestions of experiments and observation on the part of reader, through which he may increase his understanding and enjoyement of the natural history of the clouds. Langues : Anglais (eng)
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