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Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Education : Report of a Health Impact study in Mirzapur, Bangladesh / Aziz, K. M. A.
Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Education : Report of a Health Impact study in Mirzapur, Bangladesh [texte imprimé] / Aziz, K. M. A. ; Hoque, B. A. ; Huttly, S. R. A. . - UNDP. World Bank Water and Sanitation program . - UNDP. World Bank Water and Sanitation program, 1990. ISSN : CI-06884 - Historical antecedents, the project and its setting - The intervention, data collection - Intermediate variables - Impact on Dianhecal disease - Impact on nutritional status -Discussion and conclusions. Langues : Anglais (eng)
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