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Africa / Grove, A. T.
Africa [texte imprimé] / Grove, A. T. . - Oxford University Press . - Oxford University Press, 1978. ISSN : 499 132 445 This new edition Africa south of the sahara has been expanded to cover the whole continent. The opening chapters, as in the earlier book, deal with the physical environment, ecology people, and other general topics. The first of the regional chapters is concerned with the lower Nil valley, Egypt, and Sudan concentration on irrigation, industrialization in Egypt, and the development of Soudan rainlands. There is a new chapter on the Magreb and the sahara, covering the wole of northwest Africa and showing the effects of french colonization and the consequences of mineral exploitation in recent years. Langues : Anglais (eng)
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CI03B896.109411 | CI-07896 | Monographie | Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga | Fond documentaire | Disponible |