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U.S. Geological Survey Water Supplu paper, 2228. Evaluation of environmental factors, affecting yields of major disolved ions of streams in the United Sates / Peters, N. E.
Titre de série : U.S. Geological Survey Water Supplu paper, 2228 Titre : Evaluation of environmental factors, affecting yields of major disolved ions of streams in the United Sates Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Peters, N. E. Mention d'édition : United States Gouvernment Printing Office Editeur : United States Gouvernment Printing Office Année de publication : 1984 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-05077 Note générale : The seven major dissolved ions in treams-sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate - and their non dissolved solids from 56 basins in the conterminous United States and Hawaï were correlated with bedrock type, annual stream temperature of their respective basins through multiple-linear-regression equations to predict annual yields. The study was restricted to basins underlain bu limestone, sandstone, or crystalline rock. Depending on the constituent, yields ranged from about 10 to 100,000 kilograms per square kilometer. Predicted yields were within 1 order of magnitude of measured yields. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : PRECIPITATIONS Qualité de l'eau Hydrochimie Environnement Evaluation environnementale Ion Concentration d'ions Sodium Chloride Potassium Index. décimale : 551.57 Hydrométéorologie : brouillard, nuages, précipitations Résumé : The seven major dissolved ions in treams-sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate - and their non dissolved solids from 56 basins in the conterminous United States and Hawaï were correlated with bedrock type, annual stream temperature of their respective basins through multiple-linear-regression equations to predict annual yields. The study was restricted to basins underlain bu limestone, sandstone, or crystalline rock. Depending on the constituent, yields ranged from about 10 to 100,000 kilograms per square kilometer. Predicted yields were within 1 order of magnitude of measured yields. Note de contenu : The seven major dissolved ions in treams-sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate - and their non dissolved solids from 56 basins in the conterminous United States and Hawaï were correlated with bedrock type, annual stream temperature of their respective basins through multiple-linear-regression equations to predict annual yields. The study was restricted to basins underlain bu limestone, sandstone, or crystalline rock. Depending on the constituent, yields ranged from about 10 to 100,000 kilograms per square kilometer. Predicted yields were within 1 order of magnitude of measured yields. U.S. Geological Survey Water Supplu paper, 2228. Evaluation of environmental factors, affecting yields of major disolved ions of streams in the United Sates [texte imprimé] / Peters, N. E. . - United States Gouvernment Printing Office . - United States Gouvernment Printing Office, 1984.
ISSN : CI-05077
The seven major dissolved ions in treams-sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate - and their non dissolved solids from 56 basins in the conterminous United States and Hawaï were correlated with bedrock type, annual stream temperature of their respective basins through multiple-linear-regression equations to predict annual yields. The study was restricted to basins underlain bu limestone, sandstone, or crystalline rock. Depending on the constituent, yields ranged from about 10 to 100,000 kilograms per square kilometer. Predicted yields were within 1 order of magnitude of measured yields.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : PRECIPITATIONS Qualité de l'eau Hydrochimie Environnement Evaluation environnementale Ion Concentration d'ions Sodium Chloride Potassium Index. décimale : 551.57 Hydrométéorologie : brouillard, nuages, précipitations Résumé : The seven major dissolved ions in treams-sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate - and their non dissolved solids from 56 basins in the conterminous United States and Hawaï were correlated with bedrock type, annual stream temperature of their respective basins through multiple-linear-regression equations to predict annual yields. The study was restricted to basins underlain bu limestone, sandstone, or crystalline rock. Depending on the constituent, yields ranged from about 10 to 100,000 kilograms per square kilometer. Predicted yields were within 1 order of magnitude of measured yields. Note de contenu : The seven major dissolved ions in treams-sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate - and their non dissolved solids from 56 basins in the conterminous United States and Hawaï were correlated with bedrock type, annual stream temperature of their respective basins through multiple-linear-regression equations to predict annual yields. The study was restricted to basins underlain bu limestone, sandstone, or crystalline rock. Depending on the constituent, yields ranged from about 10 to 100,000 kilograms per square kilometer. Predicted yields were within 1 order of magnitude of measured yields. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B077.82290 CI-05077 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B077.82289 CI-05077 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B077.82287 CI-05077 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B077.82288 CI-05077 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B077.82286 CI-05077 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B077.82285 CI-05077 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B077.82284 CI-05077 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B077.82283 CI-05077 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible