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Effect of nitrogenous fertilizers and organic materiols on yielops and nutritional value of souna III millet / Ganry, F.
Titre : Effect of nitrogenous fertilizers and organic materiols on yielops and nutritional value of souna III millet Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ganry, F. ; Bideau, J. Mention d'édition : Institute for Agricultural Tropical Research Editeur : Institute for Agricultural Tropical Research Année de publication : 1973 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-04529 Note générale : In the tropics malnutrition will become an increasing serious problem to be solved by rainfed crops that may be grown to the best advantage on more reducd aras and give the largest amount of useful produces of the best quality of food. It was shown that in a dry year with 350 mm of available rainfall but welle distributed it was possible to obtain figh grainyields without reducing undr the effect of nitrogenous fertilizing their nutritional value which is characterized bu their lysing content, the most limiting essential amino-acid. The principal treatment discussed is pre-humidified ploughed in millet straw that produces significantly increased yield with low nitrogenous fertilizing which allows to save 60 kg of nitrogenous, supplementary amount requiered to obtain this yield without ploughing in. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Matière organique Valeur nutritionnelle Fertilisation Climatologie Agroécologie Millet Recherche AGRONOMIE Index. décimale : 551.6 Climatologie et temps Résumé : In the tropics malnutrition will become an increasing serious problem to be solved by rainfed crops that may be grown to the best advantage on more reducd aras and give the largest amount of useful produces of the best quality of food. It was shown that in a dry year with 350 mm of available rainfall but welle distributed it was possible to obtain figh grainyields without reducing undr the effect of nitrogenous fertilizing their nutritional value which is characterized bu their lysing content, the most limiting essential amino-acid. The principal treatment discussed is pre-humidified ploughed in millet straw that produces significantly increased yield with low nitrogenous fertilizing which allows to save 60 kg of nitrogenous, supplementary amount requiered to obtain this yield without ploughing in. Note de contenu : In the tropics malnutrition will become an increasing serious problem to be solved by rainfed crops that may be grown to the best advantage on more reducd aras and give the largest amount of useful produces of the best quality of food. It was shown that in a dry year with 350 mm of available rainfall but welle distributed it was possible to obtain figh grainyields without reducing undr the effect of nitrogenous fertilizing their nutritional value which is characterized bu their lysing content, the most limiting essential amino-acid. The principal treatment discussed is pre-humidified ploughed in millet straw that produces significantly increased yield with low nitrogenous fertilizing which allows to save 60 kg of nitrogenous, supplementary amount requiered to obtain this yield without ploughing in. Effect of nitrogenous fertilizers and organic materiols on yielops and nutritional value of souna III millet [texte imprimé] / Ganry, F. ; Bideau, J. . - Institute for Agricultural Tropical Research . - Institute for Agricultural Tropical Research, 1973.
ISSN : CI-04529
In the tropics malnutrition will become an increasing serious problem to be solved by rainfed crops that may be grown to the best advantage on more reducd aras and give the largest amount of useful produces of the best quality of food. It was shown that in a dry year with 350 mm of available rainfall but welle distributed it was possible to obtain figh grainyields without reducing undr the effect of nitrogenous fertilizing their nutritional value which is characterized bu their lysing content, the most limiting essential amino-acid. The principal treatment discussed is pre-humidified ploughed in millet straw that produces significantly increased yield with low nitrogenous fertilizing which allows to save 60 kg of nitrogenous, supplementary amount requiered to obtain this yield without ploughing in.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Matière organique Valeur nutritionnelle Fertilisation Climatologie Agroécologie Millet Recherche AGRONOMIE Index. décimale : 551.6 Climatologie et temps Résumé : In the tropics malnutrition will become an increasing serious problem to be solved by rainfed crops that may be grown to the best advantage on more reducd aras and give the largest amount of useful produces of the best quality of food. It was shown that in a dry year with 350 mm of available rainfall but welle distributed it was possible to obtain figh grainyields without reducing undr the effect of nitrogenous fertilizing their nutritional value which is characterized bu their lysing content, the most limiting essential amino-acid. The principal treatment discussed is pre-humidified ploughed in millet straw that produces significantly increased yield with low nitrogenous fertilizing which allows to save 60 kg of nitrogenous, supplementary amount requiered to obtain this yield without ploughing in. Note de contenu : In the tropics malnutrition will become an increasing serious problem to be solved by rainfed crops that may be grown to the best advantage on more reducd aras and give the largest amount of useful produces of the best quality of food. It was shown that in a dry year with 350 mm of available rainfall but welle distributed it was possible to obtain figh grainyields without reducing undr the effect of nitrogenous fertilizing their nutritional value which is characterized bu their lysing content, the most limiting essential amino-acid. The principal treatment discussed is pre-humidified ploughed in millet straw that produces significantly increased yield with low nitrogenous fertilizing which allows to save 60 kg of nitrogenous, supplementary amount requiered to obtain this yield without ploughing in. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B529.140027 CI-04529 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B529.140028 CI-04529 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B529.140029 CI-04529 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B529.140030 CI-04529 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B529.140031 CI-04529 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B529.140032 CI-04529 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B529.140033 CI-04529 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B529.140034 CI-04529 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible International agricultural research networks for Sorghum and millet
Titre : International agricultural research networks for Sorghum and millet Type de document : texte imprimé Mention d'édition : AID Editeur : AID Année de publication : 1975 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-11353 Note générale : "This book contains three parts. Part 1 presents the international sorghum and millet research network. It is hoped that by these network, the ""critical massing"" of resources necessary to solve the important agricultural problems of the LDCS can be achieved. The basic information of the network required by operational personnel is presented in descriptive form in the table following the charts. The charts shows the major lonkages and sources of funds in the sorghum and millet research network. Part 2 views the network in terms of AID support. Part 3 lastly contents a list of the various institutions and their adresses." Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Agriculture Millet Sorgho Recherche agronomique Institut de recherche Pays en développement Services Fertilisation Coopération internationale Index. décimale : 630 Agriculture et techniques connexes Résumé : "This book contains three parts. Part 1 presents the international sorghum and millet research network. It is hoped that by these network, the ""critical massing"" of resources necessary to solve the important agricultural problems of the LDCS can be achieved. The basic information of the network required by operational personnel is presented in descriptive form in the table following the charts. The charts shows the major lonkages and sources of funds in the sorghum and millet research network. Part 2 views the network in terms of AID support. Part 3 lastly contents a list of the various institutions and their adresses." Note de contenu : "This book contains three parts. Part 1 presents the international sorghum and millet research network. It is hoped that by these network, the ""critical massing"" of resources necessary to solve the important agricultural problems of the LDCS can be achieved. The basic information of the network required by operational personnel is presented in descriptive form in the table following the charts. The charts shows the major lonkages and sources of funds in the sorghum and millet research network. Part 2 views the network in terms of AID support. Part 3 lastly contents a list of the various institutions and their adresses." International agricultural research networks for Sorghum and millet [texte imprimé] . - AID . - AID, 1975.
ISSN : CI-11353
"This book contains three parts. Part 1 presents the international sorghum and millet research network. It is hoped that by these network, the ""critical massing"" of resources necessary to solve the important agricultural problems of the LDCS can be achieved. The basic information of the network required by operational personnel is presented in descriptive form in the table following the charts. The charts shows the major lonkages and sources of funds in the sorghum and millet research network. Part 2 views the network in terms of AID support. Part 3 lastly contents a list of the various institutions and their adresses."
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Agriculture Millet Sorgho Recherche agronomique Institut de recherche Pays en développement Services Fertilisation Coopération internationale Index. décimale : 630 Agriculture et techniques connexes Résumé : "This book contains three parts. Part 1 presents the international sorghum and millet research network. It is hoped that by these network, the ""critical massing"" of resources necessary to solve the important agricultural problems of the LDCS can be achieved. The basic information of the network required by operational personnel is presented in descriptive form in the table following the charts. The charts shows the major lonkages and sources of funds in the sorghum and millet research network. Part 2 views the network in terms of AID support. Part 3 lastly contents a list of the various institutions and their adresses." Note de contenu : "This book contains three parts. Part 1 presents the international sorghum and millet research network. It is hoped that by these network, the ""critical massing"" of resources necessary to solve the important agricultural problems of the LDCS can be achieved. The basic information of the network required by operational personnel is presented in descriptive form in the table following the charts. The charts shows the major lonkages and sources of funds in the sorghum and millet research network. Part 2 views the network in terms of AID support. Part 3 lastly contents a list of the various institutions and their adresses." Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI04N353.130195 CI-11353 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI04N353.130196 CI-11353 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI04N353.130197 CI-11353 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI04N353.130198 CI-11353 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI04N353.130199 CI-11353 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI04N353.130200 CI-11353 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI04N353.130201 CI-11353 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI04N353.130202 CI-11353 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Research Bulletin, 16. Identification and utilization of smut resistance in pearl millet / Thakeur, R. P.
Titre de série : Research Bulletin, 16 Titre : Identification and utilization of smut resistance in pearl millet Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Thakeur, R. P. ; King, S. B. ; Rai, K. N. Mention d'édition : ICRISAT Editeur : ICRISAT Année de publication : 1992 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-09519 Note générale : Ce bulletin décrit les progrès atteinst concernant l'identification et l'utilisation de la résistance à la maladie du charbon. Ceci constitue un des principaux objectifs des travaux de recherche sur l'amélioration du mil à l'ICRISAT. Mots-clés : Mil Millet Parasitologie Culture vivrière Charbon de mil Index. décimale : 616.96 Maladies parasitaires Résumé : Ce bulletin décrit les progrès atteinst concernant l'identification et l'utilisation de la résistance à la maladie du charbon. Ceci constitue un des principaux objectifs des travaux de recherche sur l'amélioration du mil à l'ICRISAT. Note de contenu : Ce bulletin décrit les progrès atteinst concernant l'identification et l'utilisation de la résistance à la maladie du charbon. Ceci constitue un des principaux objectifs des travaux de recherche sur l'amélioration du mil à l'ICRISAT. Research Bulletin, 16. Identification and utilization of smut resistance in pearl millet [texte imprimé] / Thakeur, R. P. ; King, S. B. ; Rai, K. N. . - ICRISAT . - ICRISAT, 1992.
ISSN : CI-09519
Ce bulletin décrit les progrès atteinst concernant l'identification et l'utilisation de la résistance à la maladie du charbon. Ceci constitue un des principaux objectifs des travaux de recherche sur l'amélioration du mil à l'ICRISAT.
Mots-clés : Mil Millet Parasitologie Culture vivrière Charbon de mil Index. décimale : 616.96 Maladies parasitaires Résumé : Ce bulletin décrit les progrès atteinst concernant l'identification et l'utilisation de la résistance à la maladie du charbon. Ceci constitue un des principaux objectifs des travaux de recherche sur l'amélioration du mil à l'ICRISAT. Note de contenu : Ce bulletin décrit les progrès atteinst concernant l'identification et l'utilisation de la résistance à la maladie du charbon. Ceci constitue un des principaux objectifs des travaux de recherche sur l'amélioration du mil à l'ICRISAT. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B519.37737 CI-09519 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B519.37738 CI-09519 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B519.37739 CI-09519 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B519.37740 CI-09519 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B519.37741 CI-09519 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B519.37742 CI-09519 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B519.37743 CI-09519 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B519.37744 CI-09519 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Sols africains, n°1 et 2. Première conférence sur le Sorgho, le millet et le maïs, Zaria, Nigeria
Titre de série : Sols africains, n°1 et 2 Titre : Première conférence sur le Sorgho, le millet et le maïs, Zaria, Nigeria Type de document : texte imprimé Mention d'édition : BIS Editeur : BIS Année de publication : 1965 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-02864 Note générale : Cet ouvrage rassemble les communications faites à la première conférence sur le sorgho, le millet et le maïs tenue à Zaria, au Nigeria du 3 au 9 Octobre 1965. Ces communications portent entre autres sur : l'historique succint et orientation actuelle des travaux d'amélioration variétale menés sur le sorgho en Afrique occidentale francophone : - l'analyse foliaire du sorgho - l'amélioration du sorgho au Nigeria du nord - les problèmes soulevés par le développement de la production du maïs du Nigeria. Mots-clés : Sorgho Millet Maïs Agriculture Selection variétale Agronomie Conférence Index. décimale : 630 Agriculture et techniques connexes Résumé : Cet ouvrage rassemble les communications faites à la première conférence sur le sorgho, le millet et le maïs tenue à Zaria, au Nigeria du 3 au 9 Octobre 1965. Ces communications portent entre autres sur : l'historique succint et orientation actuelle des travaux d'amélioration variétale menés sur le sorgho en Afrique occidentale francophone : - l'analyse foliaire du sorgho - l'amélioration du sorgho au Nigeria du nord - les problèmes soulevés par le développement de la production du maïs du Nigeria. Note de contenu : Cet ouvrage rassemble les communications faites à la première conférence sur le sorgho, le millet et le maïs tenue à Zaria, au Nigeria du 3 au 9 Octobre 1965. Ces communications portent entre autres sur : l'historique succint et orientation actuelle des travaux d'amélioration variétale menés sur le sorgho en Afrique occidentale francophone : - l'analyse foliaire du sorgho - l'amélioration du sorgho au Nigeria du nord - les problèmes soulevés par le développement de la production du maïs du Nigeria. Sols africains, n°1 et 2. Première conférence sur le Sorgho, le millet et le maïs, Zaria, Nigeria [texte imprimé] . - BIS . - BIS, 1965.
ISSN : CI-02864
Cet ouvrage rassemble les communications faites à la première conférence sur le sorgho, le millet et le maïs tenue à Zaria, au Nigeria du 3 au 9 Octobre 1965. Ces communications portent entre autres sur : l'historique succint et orientation actuelle des travaux d'amélioration variétale menés sur le sorgho en Afrique occidentale francophone : - l'analyse foliaire du sorgho - l'amélioration du sorgho au Nigeria du nord - les problèmes soulevés par le développement de la production du maïs du Nigeria.
Mots-clés : Sorgho Millet Maïs Agriculture Selection variétale Agronomie Conférence Index. décimale : 630 Agriculture et techniques connexes Résumé : Cet ouvrage rassemble les communications faites à la première conférence sur le sorgho, le millet et le maïs tenue à Zaria, au Nigeria du 3 au 9 Octobre 1965. Ces communications portent entre autres sur : l'historique succint et orientation actuelle des travaux d'amélioration variétale menés sur le sorgho en Afrique occidentale francophone : - l'analyse foliaire du sorgho - l'amélioration du sorgho au Nigeria du nord - les problèmes soulevés par le développement de la production du maïs du Nigeria. Note de contenu : Cet ouvrage rassemble les communications faites à la première conférence sur le sorgho, le millet et le maïs tenue à Zaria, au Nigeria du 3 au 9 Octobre 1965. Ces communications portent entre autres sur : l'historique succint et orientation actuelle des travaux d'amélioration variétale menés sur le sorgho en Afrique occidentale francophone : - l'analyse foliaire du sorgho - l'amélioration du sorgho au Nigeria du nord - les problèmes soulevés par le développement de la production du maïs du Nigeria. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B864.171522 CI-02864 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B864.171521 CI-02864 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B864.171520 CI-02864 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B864.171519 CI-02864 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B864.171518 CI-02864 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B864.171517 CI-02864 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B864.171516 CI-02864 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B864.171515 CI-02864 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Sorghum and millet : food production and use - report of a workshop held in Nairobie, Kenya, 4 - 7 - july 1978 / Vogel, S.
Titre : Sorghum and millet : food production and use - report of a workshop held in Nairobie, Kenya, 4 - 7 - july 1978 Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Vogel, S. ; Graham, M. Mention d'édition : IDRC Editeur : IDRC Année de publication : 1979 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-07800 Note générale : To complement efforts in field and laboratory in sorghum and millet breedind and selection, this workshop brought to gether food scientists and hame economists from Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Canada. The perpose of the meeting is to facilate the exchange of ideas an local sorghum and millet preferences to gather information on the current use of sorghum and millet in the participants'countries, to discuss methods of establishing utilization and consumer - product test and to establish a procedure for collecting sorghum samples to be sent to a central place for analysis of quality. The information from the various papers is combined in other to give an overview of sorghum and millet use throughout the area and the recommendations and conclusions made at the workshop is summarized . Special tanks are extented to all participants not only for their exellent presentations out also for their active participation in the very fruitful discussions sessions. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Sorgho Millet Production Questionnaire Méthodologie Marketing Céréale Index. décimale : 633.1 Céréales Résumé : To complement efforts in field and laboratory in sorghum and millet breedind and selection, this workshop brought to gether food scientists and hame economists from Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Canada. The perpose of the meeting is to facilate the exchange of ideas an local sorghum and millet preferences to gather information on the current use of sorghum and millet in the participants'countries, to discuss methods of establishing utilization and consumer - product test and to establish a procedure for collecting sorghum samples to be sent to a central place for analysis of quality. The information from the various papers is combined in other to give an overview of sorghum and millet use throughout the area and the recommendations and conclusions made at the workshop is summarized . Special tanks are extented to all participants not only for their exellent presentations out also for their active participation in the very fruitful discussions sessions. Note de contenu : To complement efforts in field and laboratory in sorghum and millet breedind and selection, this workshop brought to gether food scientists and hame economists from Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Canada. The perpose of the meeting is to facilate the exchange of ideas an local sorghum and millet preferences to gather information on the current use of sorghum and millet in the participants'countries, to discuss methods of establishing utilization and consumer - product test and to establish a procedure for collecting sorghum samples to be sent to a central place for analysis of quality. The information from the various papers is combined in other to give an overview of sorghum and millet use throughout the area and the recommendations and conclusions made at the workshop is summarized . Special tanks are extented to all participants not only for their exellent presentations out also for their active participation in the very fruitful discussions sessions. Sorghum and millet : food production and use - report of a workshop held in Nairobie, Kenya, 4 - 7 - july 1978 [texte imprimé] / Vogel, S. ; Graham, M. . - IDRC . - IDRC, 1979.
ISSN : CI-07800
To complement efforts in field and laboratory in sorghum and millet breedind and selection, this workshop brought to gether food scientists and hame economists from Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Canada. The perpose of the meeting is to facilate the exchange of ideas an local sorghum and millet preferences to gather information on the current use of sorghum and millet in the participants'countries, to discuss methods of establishing utilization and consumer - product test and to establish a procedure for collecting sorghum samples to be sent to a central place for analysis of quality. The information from the various papers is combined in other to give an overview of sorghum and millet use throughout the area and the recommendations and conclusions made at the workshop is summarized . Special tanks are extented to all participants not only for their exellent presentations out also for their active participation in the very fruitful discussions sessions.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Sorgho Millet Production Questionnaire Méthodologie Marketing Céréale Index. décimale : 633.1 Céréales Résumé : To complement efforts in field and laboratory in sorghum and millet breedind and selection, this workshop brought to gether food scientists and hame economists from Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Canada. The perpose of the meeting is to facilate the exchange of ideas an local sorghum and millet preferences to gather information on the current use of sorghum and millet in the participants'countries, to discuss methods of establishing utilization and consumer - product test and to establish a procedure for collecting sorghum samples to be sent to a central place for analysis of quality. The information from the various papers is combined in other to give an overview of sorghum and millet use throughout the area and the recommendations and conclusions made at the workshop is summarized . Special tanks are extented to all participants not only for their exellent presentations out also for their active participation in the very fruitful discussions sessions. Note de contenu : To complement efforts in field and laboratory in sorghum and millet breedind and selection, this workshop brought to gether food scientists and hame economists from Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Canada. The perpose of the meeting is to facilate the exchange of ideas an local sorghum and millet preferences to gather information on the current use of sorghum and millet in the participants'countries, to discuss methods of establishing utilization and consumer - product test and to establish a procedure for collecting sorghum samples to be sent to a central place for analysis of quality. The information from the various papers is combined in other to give an overview of sorghum and millet use throughout the area and the recommendations and conclusions made at the workshop is summarized . Special tanks are extented to all participants not only for their exellent presentations out also for their active participation in the very fruitful discussions sessions. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B800.105674 CI-07800 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B800.105673 CI-07800 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B800.105672 CI-07800 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B800.105670 CI-07800 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B800.105671 CI-07800 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B800.105669 CI-07800 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B800.105668 CI-07800 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B800.105667 CI-07800 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Insect and other animal pests of millets / Sharma, H. C.
PermalinkLes Décortiqueurs à disques abrasifs en Afrique : de la recherche à la diffusion / Bassey, M. W.
PermalinkEconomie et Développement (FR). La Transformation des produits agricoles en zone tropicale : approche technologique / Asiedu, J. J.
PermalinkSorghum and millets diseases : a second world review / Milliano, W. A. J. (de)