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Bulletin de liaison des laboratoires des ponts et chaussées. Matériels de travaux publics
Titre de série : Bulletin de liaison des laboratoires des ponts et chaussées Titre : Matériels de travaux publics Type de document : texte imprimé Mention d'édition : Ministère de l'urbanisme et du logement Editeur : Ministère de l'urbanisme et du logement Année de publication : 1982 Accompagnement : numéro spécial XII ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-7208-2480-7 Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : TRAVAUX PUBLICS MATERIEL DE CONSTRUCTION MACHINE OUTIL PROCEDE DE FABRICATION INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIQUE ENVIRONNEMENT Index. décimale : 344.06 Travaux publics Bulletin de liaison des laboratoires des ponts et chaussées. Matériels de travaux publics [texte imprimé] . - Ministère de l'urbanisme et du logement . - Ministère de l'urbanisme et du logement, 1982 . - + numéro spécial XII.
ISBN : 978-2-7208-2480-7
Langues : Français (fre)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité é)àààà&-& ET GENI2(49) Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible IRCW News. An algal regenerative system for single family form and villages
Titre de série : IRCW News Titre : An algal regenerative system for single family form and villages Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 1976 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-05868 Note générale : In the course of their research on the utilization of algae for the reclamtion of nutrients and water from municipal and agricultural waste waters, and on the development of photosynthetic life - support systems for extra - terrestrial applications, the authors of this paper arrived at the design of a self - contained living system an algal regenerative feel merits attention. Their system, an algal regenerative system, has the advatage of providing for the utilization of solar energy. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Compostage Procédé de fabrication Technologie Algue Exploitation familiale Index. décimale : 579.8 Algues Résumé : In the course of their research on the utilization of algae for the reclamtion of nutrients and water from municipal and agricultural waste waters, and on the development of photosynthetic life - support systems for extra - terrestrial applications, the authors of this paper arrived at the design of a self - contained living system an algal regenerative feel merits attention. Their system, an algal regenerative system, has the advatage of providing for the utilization of solar energy. Note de contenu : In the course of their research on the utilization of algae for the reclamtion of nutrients and water from municipal and agricultural waste waters, and on the development of photosynthetic life - support systems for extra - terrestrial applications, the authors of this paper arrived at the design of a self - contained living system an algal regenerative feel merits attention. Their system, an algal regenerative system, has the advatage of providing for the utilization of solar energy. IRCW News. An algal regenerative system for single family form and villages [texte imprimé] . - 1976.
ISSN : CI-05868
In the course of their research on the utilization of algae for the reclamtion of nutrients and water from municipal and agricultural waste waters, and on the development of photosynthetic life - support systems for extra - terrestrial applications, the authors of this paper arrived at the design of a self - contained living system an algal regenerative feel merits attention. Their system, an algal regenerative system, has the advatage of providing for the utilization of solar energy.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Compostage Procédé de fabrication Technologie Algue Exploitation familiale Index. décimale : 579.8 Algues Résumé : In the course of their research on the utilization of algae for the reclamtion of nutrients and water from municipal and agricultural waste waters, and on the development of photosynthetic life - support systems for extra - terrestrial applications, the authors of this paper arrived at the design of a self - contained living system an algal regenerative feel merits attention. Their system, an algal regenerative system, has the advatage of providing for the utilization of solar energy. Note de contenu : In the course of their research on the utilization of algae for the reclamtion of nutrients and water from municipal and agricultural waste waters, and on the development of photosynthetic life - support systems for extra - terrestrial applications, the authors of this paper arrived at the design of a self - contained living system an algal regenerative feel merits attention. Their system, an algal regenerative system, has the advatage of providing for the utilization of solar energy. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B868.121907 CI-05868 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B868.121908 CI-05868 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B868.121909 CI-05868 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B868.121910 CI-05868 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B868.121911 CI-05868 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B868.121912 CI-05868 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B868.121913 CI-05868 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B868.121914 CI-05868 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible
Titre de série : IRCWD News Titre : Biogas plants based on night soil and/or animal dung Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Nagar, B. R. Mention d'édition : EAWAG Editeur : EAWAG Année de publication : 1975 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-05867 Note générale : The desirability and need to conserve cow dang as manure has assumed great importance and this all the more so since chemical fertilizers are in short supply. A hightly desirable objective is to use another cheap fuel in place of cow dung, thut making it available as manure. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Biogaz Procédé de fabrication Fumier Maintenance Technologie Utilisation du Biogaz Index. décimale : 570 Sciences de la vie. Biologie Résumé : The desirability and need to conserve cow dang as manure has assumed great importance and this all the more so since chemical fertilizers are in short supply. A hightly desirable objective is to use another cheap fuel in place of cow dung, thut making it available as manure. Note de contenu : The desirability and need to conserve cow dang as manure has assumed great importance and this all the more so since chemical fertilizers are in short supply. A hightly desirable objective is to use another cheap fuel in place of cow dung, thut making it available as manure. IRCWD News. Biogas plants based on night soil and/or animal dung [texte imprimé] / Nagar, B. R. . - EAWAG . - EAWAG, 1975.
ISSN : CI-05867
The desirability and need to conserve cow dang as manure has assumed great importance and this all the more so since chemical fertilizers are in short supply. A hightly desirable objective is to use another cheap fuel in place of cow dung, thut making it available as manure.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Biogaz Procédé de fabrication Fumier Maintenance Technologie Utilisation du Biogaz Index. décimale : 570 Sciences de la vie. Biologie Résumé : The desirability and need to conserve cow dang as manure has assumed great importance and this all the more so since chemical fertilizers are in short supply. A hightly desirable objective is to use another cheap fuel in place of cow dung, thut making it available as manure. Note de contenu : The desirability and need to conserve cow dang as manure has assumed great importance and this all the more so since chemical fertilizers are in short supply. A hightly desirable objective is to use another cheap fuel in place of cow dung, thut making it available as manure. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B867.127811 CI-05867 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B867.127812 CI-05867 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B867.127813 CI-05867 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B867.127814 CI-05867 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B867.127815 CI-05867 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B867.127816 CI-05867 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B867.127817 CI-05867 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B867.127818 CI-05867 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible