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Applied physical sciences. Hypothetical explanations of the negative apparent effects of cloud seeding in the whitetop experiment / Lovasich, J. L.
Titre de série : Applied physical sciences Titre : Hypothetical explanations of the negative apparent effects of cloud seeding in the whitetop experiment Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Lovasich, J. L. ; Neyman, J. ; Scott, E. L. Année de publication : nov. 1971 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-05434 Note générale : In order to explain the apparent losses of rain ascribable to seeding at the whitetop trial, particularly large and highly significant in the stralum E (but not in the opposite stratum W) of experimental days, it has been hypothesized that seeding causes widespread cloudiness and subsequent lowering of ground temperatures. This hypothesis is flatly contradicted by the observations : the seeded E-days (but not W-days) were uniformly less cloudy and hotter than those without seeding. Curiously, theses differences prevailed not only from the scheduled time seeding but also for several hours beforehand. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : PRECIPITATIONS Météorologie Climatologie Randomization Stratification Index. décimale : 551.6 Climatologie et temps Résumé : In order to explain the apparent losses of rain ascribable to seeding at the whitetop trial, particularly large and highly significant in the stralum E (but not in the opposite stratum W) of experimental days, it has been hypothesized that seeding causes widespread cloudiness and subsequent lowering of ground temperatures. This hypothesis is flatly contradicted by the observations : the seeded E-days (but not W-days) were uniformly less cloudy and hotter than those without seeding. Curiously, theses differences prevailed not only from the scheduled time seeding but also for several hours beforehand. Note de contenu : In order to explain the apparent losses of rain ascribable to seeding at the whitetop trial, particularly large and highly significant in the stralum E (but not in the opposite stratum W) of experimental days, it has been hypothesized that seeding causes widespread cloudiness and subsequent lowering of ground temperatures. This hypothesis is flatly contradicted by the observations : the seeded E-days (but not W-days) were uniformly less cloudy and hotter than those without seeding. Curiously, theses differences prevailed not only from the scheduled time seeding but also for several hours beforehand. Applied physical sciences. Hypothetical explanations of the negative apparent effects of cloud seeding in the whitetop experiment [texte imprimé] / Lovasich, J. L. ; Neyman, J. ; Scott, E. L. . - nov. 1971.
ISSN : CI-05434
In order to explain the apparent losses of rain ascribable to seeding at the whitetop trial, particularly large and highly significant in the stralum E (but not in the opposite stratum W) of experimental days, it has been hypothesized that seeding causes widespread cloudiness and subsequent lowering of ground temperatures. This hypothesis is flatly contradicted by the observations : the seeded E-days (but not W-days) were uniformly less cloudy and hotter than those without seeding. Curiously, theses differences prevailed not only from the scheduled time seeding but also for several hours beforehand.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : PRECIPITATIONS Météorologie Climatologie Randomization Stratification Index. décimale : 551.6 Climatologie et temps Résumé : In order to explain the apparent losses of rain ascribable to seeding at the whitetop trial, particularly large and highly significant in the stralum E (but not in the opposite stratum W) of experimental days, it has been hypothesized that seeding causes widespread cloudiness and subsequent lowering of ground temperatures. This hypothesis is flatly contradicted by the observations : the seeded E-days (but not W-days) were uniformly less cloudy and hotter than those without seeding. Curiously, theses differences prevailed not only from the scheduled time seeding but also for several hours beforehand. Note de contenu : In order to explain the apparent losses of rain ascribable to seeding at the whitetop trial, particularly large and highly significant in the stralum E (but not in the opposite stratum W) of experimental days, it has been hypothesized that seeding causes widespread cloudiness and subsequent lowering of ground temperatures. This hypothesis is flatly contradicted by the observations : the seeded E-days (but not W-days) were uniformly less cloudy and hotter than those without seeding. Curiously, theses differences prevailed not only from the scheduled time seeding but also for several hours beforehand. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B434.199387 CI-05434 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B434.199388 CI-05434 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B434.199389 CI-05434 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B434.199390 CI-05434 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B434.199391 CI-05434 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B434.199392 CI-05434 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B434.199393 CI-05434 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B434.199394 CI-05434 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Field geology / Lahee, F. H.
Titre : Field geology Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Lahee, F. H. Mention d'édition : Mc Grow-Hill Book Company Editeur : Mc Grow-Hill Book Company Année de publication : 1961 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 07-035808-7 Note générale : This book treats the subject of geology from the foeld standpoint. It is intented both for a textkook and for a pocket manual . As a manual the anthor hopes that it will be of service not only to students of geology, but also to mining engineers, civil engineers, and others whose interests bring them in touch with geologic problems. The first twelve chapters are concerned with the recognition and interpretation of geologic structures and topographic forms as they are observed...In the last six chapters are described methodes of geologic surveying, the nature and construction of maps, sections, and block diagrams, the interpretation of topographic and geologic maps, the solsution of certain geologic computation, and the preparation of geologic reports. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Géologie Erosion Transport Pêche Sédiment Classification Stratification consolidation Topographie Cartographie Lithosphère Index. décimale : 631.45 Erosion et lutte anti-érosion 631.46 Résumé : This book treats the subject of geology from the foeld standpoint. It is intented both for a textkook and for a pocket manual . As a manual the anthor hopes that it will be of service not only to students of geology, but also to mining engineers, civil engineers, and others whose interests bring them in touch with geologic problems. The first twelve chapters are concerned with the recognition and interpretation of geologic structures and topographic forms as they are observed...In the last six chapters are described methodes of geologic surveying, the nature and construction of maps, sections, and block diagrams, the interpretation of topographic and geologic maps, the solsution of certain geologic computation, and the preparation of geologic reports. Note de contenu : This book treats the subject of geology from the foeld standpoint. It is intented both for a textkook and for a pocket manual . As a manual the anthor hopes that it will be of service not only to students of geology, but also to mining engineers, civil engineers, and others whose interests bring them in touch with geologic problems. The first twelve chapters are concerned with the recognition and interpretation of geologic structures and topographic forms as they are observed...In the last six chapters are described methodes of geologic surveying, the nature and construction of maps, sections, and block diagrams, the interpretation of topographic and geologic maps, the solsution of certain geologic computation, and the preparation of geologic reports. Field geology [texte imprimé] / Lahee, F. H. . - Mc Grow-Hill Book Company . - Mc Grow-Hill Book Company, 1961.
ISSN : 07-035808-7
This book treats the subject of geology from the foeld standpoint. It is intented both for a textkook and for a pocket manual . As a manual the anthor hopes that it will be of service not only to students of geology, but also to mining engineers, civil engineers, and others whose interests bring them in touch with geologic problems. The first twelve chapters are concerned with the recognition and interpretation of geologic structures and topographic forms as they are observed...In the last six chapters are described methodes of geologic surveying, the nature and construction of maps, sections, and block diagrams, the interpretation of topographic and geologic maps, the solsution of certain geologic computation, and the preparation of geologic reports.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Géologie Erosion Transport Pêche Sédiment Classification Stratification consolidation Topographie Cartographie Lithosphère Index. décimale : 631.45 Erosion et lutte anti-érosion 631.46 Résumé : This book treats the subject of geology from the foeld standpoint. It is intented both for a textkook and for a pocket manual . As a manual the anthor hopes that it will be of service not only to students of geology, but also to mining engineers, civil engineers, and others whose interests bring them in touch with geologic problems. The first twelve chapters are concerned with the recognition and interpretation of geologic structures and topographic forms as they are observed...In the last six chapters are described methodes of geologic surveying, the nature and construction of maps, sections, and block diagrams, the interpretation of topographic and geologic maps, the solsution of certain geologic computation, and the preparation of geologic reports. Note de contenu : This book treats the subject of geology from the foeld standpoint. It is intented both for a textkook and for a pocket manual . As a manual the anthor hopes that it will be of service not only to students of geology, but also to mining engineers, civil engineers, and others whose interests bring them in touch with geologic problems. The first twelve chapters are concerned with the recognition and interpretation of geologic structures and topographic forms as they are observed...In the last six chapters are described methodes of geologic surveying, the nature and construction of maps, sections, and block diagrams, the interpretation of topographic and geologic maps, the solsution of certain geologic computation, and the preparation of geologic reports. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B778.178443 CI-04778 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B778.178444 CI-04778 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B778.178445 CI-04778 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B778.178446 CI-04778 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B778.178447 CI-04778 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B778.178448 CI-04778 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B778.178449 CI-04778 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B778.178450 CI-04778 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Méthodologie de la planification (FR). Planification et comportement des centres de décision en milieu rural / Thenevin, P.
Titre de série : Méthodologie de la planification (FR) Titre : Planification et comportement des centres de décision en milieu rural Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Thenevin, P. Mention d'édition : Ministère de la coopération Editeur : Ministère de la Coopération Année de publication : 1975 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : ET MECO1(7) Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : PLUVIOMETRIE CROISSANCE DEMOGRAPHIQUE OCCUPATION DU SOL CULTURE ATTELE PRODUIT AGRICOLE PRODUCTION PLANIFICATION STRATIFICATION OPERATION CULTURALE CONTRAINTE AGRICOLE RENDEMENT Index. décimale : 304.62 Croissance et baisse de population Méthodologie de la planification (FR). Planification et comportement des centres de décision en milieu rural [texte imprimé] / Thenevin, P. . - Ministère de la coopération . - Ministère de la Coopération, 1975.
Langues : Français (fre)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité ET00B778.124907 ET MECO1(7) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B778.124908 ET MECO1(7) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B778.124909 ET MECO1(7) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B778.124910 ET MECO1(7) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B778.124911 ET MECO1(7) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B778.124912 ET MECO1(7) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B778.124913 ET MECO1(7) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B778.124914 ET MECO1(7) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible Subsurface investigation with piezocone penetrometer / Mehmet, T. T.
Titre : Subsurface investigation with piezocone penetrometer Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Mehmet, T. T. ; Axe, M. ; Boggess, R. L. Mention d'édition : Ecole Nationale des Ponts et chaussées Editeur : Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées Année de publication : 1981 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-04401 Note générale : The authors have been working on the development of a piezo-cone which simultaneously provides the currenthy but separately available insitu parameters, i.e., sleeve friction, f, and tip resistance, Qc, together with the generated pore pressures, U. this paper comprises of the basic results of the different stages of study in deciding on the location, size and the type of the piezo-cone utilized on well-documented soft cohesive soils of Louisiana. The capabilities of the piezo-cone penetration testing of soft soils in insitu measurement of soil parameters are also presented. Further pratical implications are currently being investigated. Mots-clés : Sol Stratification Pression Recherche géotechnique Index. décimale : 624.1 Technique de construction Résumé : The authors have been working on the development of a piezo-cone which simultaneously provides the currenthy but separately available insitu parameters, i.e., sleeve friction, f, and tip resistance, Qc, together with the generated pore pressures, U. this paper comprises of the basic results of the different stages of study in deciding on the location, size and the type of the piezo-cone utilized on well-documented soft cohesive soils of Louisiana. The capabilities of the piezo-cone penetration testing of soft soils in insitu measurement of soil parameters are also presented. Further pratical implications are currently being investigated. Note de contenu : The authors have been working on the development of a piezo-cone which simultaneously provides the currenthy but separately available insitu parameters, i.e., sleeve friction, f, and tip resistance, Qc, together with the generated pore pressures, U. this paper comprises of the basic results of the different stages of study in deciding on the location, size and the type of the piezo-cone utilized on well-documented soft cohesive soils of Louisiana. The capabilities of the piezo-cone penetration testing of soft soils in insitu measurement of soil parameters are also presented. Further pratical implications are currently being investigated. Subsurface investigation with piezocone penetrometer [texte imprimé] / Mehmet, T. T. ; Axe, M. ; Boggess, R. L. . - Ecole Nationale des Ponts et chaussées . - Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, 1981.
ISSN : CI-04401
The authors have been working on the development of a piezo-cone which simultaneously provides the currenthy but separately available insitu parameters, i.e., sleeve friction, f, and tip resistance, Qc, together with the generated pore pressures, U. this paper comprises of the basic results of the different stages of study in deciding on the location, size and the type of the piezo-cone utilized on well-documented soft cohesive soils of Louisiana. The capabilities of the piezo-cone penetration testing of soft soils in insitu measurement of soil parameters are also presented. Further pratical implications are currently being investigated.
Mots-clés : Sol Stratification Pression Recherche géotechnique Index. décimale : 624.1 Technique de construction Résumé : The authors have been working on the development of a piezo-cone which simultaneously provides the currenthy but separately available insitu parameters, i.e., sleeve friction, f, and tip resistance, Qc, together with the generated pore pressures, U. this paper comprises of the basic results of the different stages of study in deciding on the location, size and the type of the piezo-cone utilized on well-documented soft cohesive soils of Louisiana. The capabilities of the piezo-cone penetration testing of soft soils in insitu measurement of soil parameters are also presented. Further pratical implications are currently being investigated. Note de contenu : The authors have been working on the development of a piezo-cone which simultaneously provides the currenthy but separately available insitu parameters, i.e., sleeve friction, f, and tip resistance, Qc, together with the generated pore pressures, U. this paper comprises of the basic results of the different stages of study in deciding on the location, size and the type of the piezo-cone utilized on well-documented soft cohesive soils of Louisiana. The capabilities of the piezo-cone penetration testing of soft soils in insitu measurement of soil parameters are also presented. Further pratical implications are currently being investigated. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B401.96186 CI-04401 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B401.96185 CI-04401 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B401.96184 CI-04401 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B401.96183 CI-04401 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B401.96182 CI-04401 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B401.96181 CI-04401 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B401.96179 CI-04401 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B401.96180 CI-04401 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible