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"Approvisionnement-distribution.Eau potable et lait reconstitué ""unique au monde"""
Titre : "Approvisionnement-distribution.Eau potable et lait reconstitué ""unique au monde""" Type de document : texte imprimé Mention d'édition : Water Line Sa Editeur : Water Line Sa Année de publication : (S.D.) ISBN/ISSN/EAN : ET HU(11) Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : EAU POTABLE ALIMENTATION EN EAU DISTRIBUTION D'EAU RISQUE NATUREL TRAITEMENT DE L'EAU LAIT EMBALLAGE HYGIENE ENSACHAGE CONSERVATION DES PRODUITS ENERGIE DESASTRE TREMBLEMENT INONDATION SACHET RECONSTITUTION DU LAIT PIECE DE RECHANGE Index. décimale : 663.61 Eau potable, eau minérale "Approvisionnement-distribution.Eau potable et lait reconstitué ""unique au monde""" [texte imprimé] . - Water Line Sa . - Water Line Sa, (S.D.).
ISSN : ET HU(11)
Langues : Français (fre)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité ET00B169.191543 ET HU(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B169.191544 ET HU(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B169.191545 ET HU(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B169.191546 ET HU(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B169.191541 ET HU(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B169.191542 ET HU(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B169.191539 ET HU(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B169.191540 ET HU(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible Désertification : a world problem / Eckholm, E. P.
Titre : Désertification : a world problem Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Eckholm, E. P. Année de publication : 1975 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-07540 Note générale : Enough is known about the causes and effects of desertification that responsible leaders can no longer ignore the problem, states the author. He calls for a radical transformation fo life on the desert margins : a shift toward a new institutional structure that would allow the ecologically sustainable exploitation of arid lands. Mots-clés : Environnement Désertification Ressource naturelle Foresterie Désastre Index. décimale : 363.7 Environnement : classer ici la protection de l'environnement Résumé : Enough is known about the causes and effects of desertification that responsible leaders can no longer ignore the problem, states the author. He calls for a radical transformation fo life on the desert margins : a shift toward a new institutional structure that would allow the ecologically sustainable exploitation of arid lands. Note de contenu : Enough is known about the causes and effects of desertification that responsible leaders can no longer ignore the problem, states the author. He calls for a radical transformation fo life on the desert margins : a shift toward a new institutional structure that would allow the ecologically sustainable exploitation of arid lands. Désertification : a world problem [texte imprimé] / Eckholm, E. P. . - 1975.
ISSN : CI-07540
Enough is known about the causes and effects of desertification that responsible leaders can no longer ignore the problem, states the author. He calls for a radical transformation fo life on the desert margins : a shift toward a new institutional structure that would allow the ecologically sustainable exploitation of arid lands.
Mots-clés : Environnement Désertification Ressource naturelle Foresterie Désastre Index. décimale : 363.7 Environnement : classer ici la protection de l'environnement Résumé : Enough is known about the causes and effects of desertification that responsible leaders can no longer ignore the problem, states the author. He calls for a radical transformation fo life on the desert margins : a shift toward a new institutional structure that would allow the ecologically sustainable exploitation of arid lands. Note de contenu : Enough is known about the causes and effects of desertification that responsible leaders can no longer ignore the problem, states the author. He calls for a radical transformation fo life on the desert margins : a shift toward a new institutional structure that would allow the ecologically sustainable exploitation of arid lands. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B540.127385 CI-07540 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B540.127386 CI-07540 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B540.127383 CI-07540 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B540.127384 CI-07540 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B540.127381 CI-07540 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B540.127382 CI-07540 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B540.127379 CI-07540 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B540.127380 CI-07540 Rapport Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Photographic applications in science, technology and medicine, 1. The Nicaragwa earthquale aerial photography for disaster assessment and damage / Garofalo, D.
Titre de série : Photographic applications in science, technology and medicine, 1 Titre : The Nicaragwa earthquale aerial photography for disaster assessment and damage Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Garofalo, D. ; Wabler, F.J. Mention d'édition : [s.n] Editeur : s.n Année de publication : [s.d] ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-07373 Note générale : This paper discusses potential applications of aerial and orbital imagery for the study of earthquake - related problems. In particular NASA aerial photgraphy of Nicaragwa was analyzed to evaluate its use for: earthquaken disaster assessment, support of relief efforts, reconstruction planning/ géological analysis. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Photographie aérienne Géologie Relief Désastre Dégât Index. décimale : 770 La photographie et les photographies : classer la photographie technique à 621.367 Résumé : This paper discusses potential applications of aerial and orbital imagery for the study of earthquake - related problems. In particular NASA aerial photgraphy of Nicaragwa was analyzed to evaluate its use for: earthquaken disaster assessment, support of relief efforts, reconstruction planning/ géological analysis. Note de contenu : This paper discusses potential applications of aerial and orbital imagery for the study of earthquake - related problems. In particular NASA aerial photgraphy of Nicaragwa was analyzed to evaluate its use for: earthquaken disaster assessment, support of relief efforts, reconstruction planning/ géological analysis. Photographic applications in science, technology and medicine, 1. The Nicaragwa earthquale aerial photography for disaster assessment and damage [texte imprimé] / Garofalo, D. ; Wabler, F.J. . - [s.n] . - s.n, [s.d].
ISSN : CI-07373
This paper discusses potential applications of aerial and orbital imagery for the study of earthquake - related problems. In particular NASA aerial photgraphy of Nicaragwa was analyzed to evaluate its use for: earthquaken disaster assessment, support of relief efforts, reconstruction planning/ géological analysis.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Photographie aérienne Géologie Relief Désastre Dégât Index. décimale : 770 La photographie et les photographies : classer la photographie technique à 621.367 Résumé : This paper discusses potential applications of aerial and orbital imagery for the study of earthquake - related problems. In particular NASA aerial photgraphy of Nicaragwa was analyzed to evaluate its use for: earthquaken disaster assessment, support of relief efforts, reconstruction planning/ géological analysis. Note de contenu : This paper discusses potential applications of aerial and orbital imagery for the study of earthquake - related problems. In particular NASA aerial photgraphy of Nicaragwa was analyzed to evaluate its use for: earthquaken disaster assessment, support of relief efforts, reconstruction planning/ géological analysis. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B373.200411 CI-07373 $r non conforme -- Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B373.200412 CI-07373 $r non conforme -- Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B373.200413 CI-07373 $r non conforme -- Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B373.200414 CI-07373 $r non conforme -- Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B373.200415 CI-07373 $r non conforme -- Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B373.200416 CI-07373 $r non conforme -- Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B373.200417 CI-07373 $r non conforme -- Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B373.200418 CI-07373 $r non conforme -- Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible