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L'écorce terrestre : ses bouleversements, ses richesses / Clayton, K.
Titre : L'écorce terrestre : ses bouleversements, ses richesses Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Clayton, K. Mention d'édition : Editions RST Editeur : Editions RST Année de publication : 1966 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : ET GEOP3(11) Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : GEOLOGIE ROCHE MER MONTAGNE EROSION DES SOLS SEISME STRATIGRAPHIE PALEONTOLOGIE TECTONIQUE GEOMORPHOLOGIE SEDIMENTOLOGIE LITHOLOGIE OCEANOGRAPHIE HISTORIOGRAPHIE MINERALOGIE RELIEF VOLCAN GEODYNAMIQUE GEOLOGIE HISTORIQUE GEOLOGIE APPLIQUEE OCEANOLOGIE PLANETE TERRE Index. décimale : 631.45 Erosion et lutte anti-érosion 631.46 L'écorce terrestre : ses bouleversements, ses richesses [texte imprimé] / Clayton, K. . - Editions RST . - Editions RST, 1966.
Langues : Français (fre)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité ET00B047.168298 ET GEOP3(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B047.168297 ET GEOP3(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B047.168296 ET GEOP3(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B047.168295 ET GEOP3(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B047.168294 ET GEOP3(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B047.168293 ET GEOP3(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B047.168291 ET GEOP3(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET00B047.168292 ET GEOP3(11) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible Geological survey professional, 529 - N. Atlantique Continental Shef and slope of the United States - Macrobenthic invertebrate fauna of the middle atlantic bight region - faunal composition and quantitative distribution / Wigley, R. L.
Titre de série : Geological survey professional, 529 - N Titre : Atlantique Continental Shef and slope of the United States - Macrobenthic invertebrate fauna of the middle atlantic bight region - faunal composition and quantitative distribution Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Wigley, R. L. ; Theraux, R. B. Mention d'édition : US. Government Drinting office Editeur : US. Government Drinting office Année de publication : 1981 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-08815 Note générale : In the early 1960's, a quantitative survey of the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna was conducted in the middle Atlantic Bright region. Purposes of this survey were to obtain a preliminary measure of bomass, and secondarily, to determine the principal taxonomic componemts of the fauna and the general features of their distribution. Sampling was conducted at 563 locations, water depths ranged from 4 to 3.080m. An analysis of faunal composition and of quantitative distributions from survey is presented in this report. Quantities are expressed in terms of density and biomass... Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Mer Faune Eau Température Géologie Géographie Océanographie Océanologie Index. décimale : 551 Géologie, météorologie, hydrologie générale Résumé : In the early 1960's, a quantitative survey of the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna was conducted in the middle Atlantic Bright region. Purposes of this survey were to obtain a preliminary measure of bomass, and secondarily, to determine the principal taxonomic componemts of the fauna and the general features of their distribution. Sampling was conducted at 563 locations, water depths ranged from 4 to 3.080m. An analysis of faunal composition and of quantitative distributions from survey is presented in this report. Quantities are expressed in terms of density and biomass... Note de contenu : In the early 1960's, a quantitative survey of the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna was conducted in the middle Atlantic Bright region. Purposes of this survey were to obtain a preliminary measure of bomass, and secondarily, to determine the principal taxonomic componemts of the fauna and the general features of their distribution. Sampling was conducted at 563 locations, water depths ranged from 4 to 3.080m. An analysis of faunal composition and of quantitative distributions from survey is presented in this report. Quantities are expressed in terms of density and biomass... Geological survey professional, 529 - N. Atlantique Continental Shef and slope of the United States - Macrobenthic invertebrate fauna of the middle atlantic bight region - faunal composition and quantitative distribution [texte imprimé] / Wigley, R. L. ; Theraux, R. B. . - US. Government Drinting office . - US. Government Drinting office, 1981.
ISSN : CI-08815
In the early 1960's, a quantitative survey of the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna was conducted in the middle Atlantic Bright region. Purposes of this survey were to obtain a preliminary measure of bomass, and secondarily, to determine the principal taxonomic componemts of the fauna and the general features of their distribution. Sampling was conducted at 563 locations, water depths ranged from 4 to 3.080m. An analysis of faunal composition and of quantitative distributions from survey is presented in this report. Quantities are expressed in terms of density and biomass...
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Mer Faune Eau Température Géologie Géographie Océanographie Océanologie Index. décimale : 551 Géologie, météorologie, hydrologie générale Résumé : In the early 1960's, a quantitative survey of the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna was conducted in the middle Atlantic Bright region. Purposes of this survey were to obtain a preliminary measure of bomass, and secondarily, to determine the principal taxonomic componemts of the fauna and the general features of their distribution. Sampling was conducted at 563 locations, water depths ranged from 4 to 3.080m. An analysis of faunal composition and of quantitative distributions from survey is presented in this report. Quantities are expressed in terms of density and biomass... Note de contenu : In the early 1960's, a quantitative survey of the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna was conducted in the middle Atlantic Bright region. Purposes of this survey were to obtain a preliminary measure of bomass, and secondarily, to determine the principal taxonomic componemts of the fauna and the general features of their distribution. Sampling was conducted at 563 locations, water depths ranged from 4 to 3.080m. An analysis of faunal composition and of quantitative distributions from survey is presented in this report. Quantities are expressed in terms of density and biomass... Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B815.97729 CI-08815 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B815.97730 CI-08815 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B815.97727 CI-08815 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B815.97728 CI-08815 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B815.97726 CI-08815 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B815.97725 CI-08815 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B815.97724 CI-08815 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B815.97723 CI-08815 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Handbook of applied hydrology / Ven Te Chow
Titre : Handbook of applied hydrology Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ven Te Chow Mention d'édition : McGraw-Hill Book Company Editeur : McGraw-Hill Book Company Année de publication : 1964 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-04767 Note générale : This handbook contains a wealth of information on hydrology and water resources technology that has not been collected in a single volume and it provides an interdisciplinary coverage of the up-date information on the subject that has not been so treated elsewhere. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Hydrologie Météorologie Géologie Ecologie Hydraulique PRECIPITATIONS Evapotranspiration Infiltration Eau souterraine Mesure et observation Sédimentation Ressource en eau Planification Secheresse Informatique Océanologie Index. décimale : 551.48 Hydrologie : Résumé : This handbook contains a wealth of information on hydrology and water resources technology that has not been collected in a single volume and it provides an interdisciplinary coverage of the up-date information on the subject that has not been so treated elsewhere. Note de contenu : This handbook contains a wealth of information on hydrology and water resources technology that has not been collected in a single volume and it provides an interdisciplinary coverage of the up-date information on the subject that has not been so treated elsewhere. Handbook of applied hydrology [texte imprimé] / Ven Te Chow . - McGraw-Hill Book Company . - McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964.
ISSN : CI-04767
This handbook contains a wealth of information on hydrology and water resources technology that has not been collected in a single volume and it provides an interdisciplinary coverage of the up-date information on the subject that has not been so treated elsewhere.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Hydrologie Météorologie Géologie Ecologie Hydraulique PRECIPITATIONS Evapotranspiration Infiltration Eau souterraine Mesure et observation Sédimentation Ressource en eau Planification Secheresse Informatique Océanologie Index. décimale : 551.48 Hydrologie : Résumé : This handbook contains a wealth of information on hydrology and water resources technology that has not been collected in a single volume and it provides an interdisciplinary coverage of the up-date information on the subject that has not been so treated elsewhere. Note de contenu : This handbook contains a wealth of information on hydrology and water resources technology that has not been collected in a single volume and it provides an interdisciplinary coverage of the up-date information on the subject that has not been so treated elsewhere. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B767.173850 CI-04767 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B767.173849 CI-04767 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B767.173848 CI-04767 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B767.173847 CI-04767 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B767.173846 CI-04767 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B767.173845 CI-04767 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B767.173844 CI-04767 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B767.173843 CI-04767 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Near shore oceanography / Lafond, E.C.
Titre : Near shore oceanography Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Lafond, E.C. Mention d'édition : Union géodésique et géophysique Internationale Editeur : Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale Année de publication : s.d. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-07171 Note générale : The discovery of new fact about the near shore ocean environnement and finding out why the ocean and its boundaries behave as they do can be an exciting adventure, as well as provide use ful information immediatly applicable to community problems. This chapter points out types of use ful near shore ocean studies which can be made by an individual or group of scientists, without requining espensive equipment. These example are only a few of the studies that have been made, and of the equipmnent and techniques that have been used. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Océanographie Météorologie Température Qualité de l'eau Erosion Sédimentation Topographie Navigation Océanologie Index. décimale : 631.45 Erosion et lutte anti-érosion 631.46 Résumé : The discovery of new fact about the near shore ocean environnement and finding out why the ocean and its boundaries behave as they do can be an exciting adventure, as well as provide use ful information immediatly applicable to community problems. This chapter points out types of use ful near shore ocean studies which can be made by an individual or group of scientists, without requining espensive equipment. These example are only a few of the studies that have been made, and of the equipmnent and techniques that have been used. Note de contenu : The discovery of new fact about the near shore ocean environnement and finding out why the ocean and its boundaries behave as they do can be an exciting adventure, as well as provide use ful information immediatly applicable to community problems. This chapter points out types of use ful near shore ocean studies which can be made by an individual or group of scientists, without requining espensive equipment. These example are only a few of the studies that have been made, and of the equipmnent and techniques that have been used. Near shore oceanography [texte imprimé] / Lafond, E.C. . - Union géodésique et géophysique Internationale . - Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, s.d.
ISSN : CI-07171
The discovery of new fact about the near shore ocean environnement and finding out why the ocean and its boundaries behave as they do can be an exciting adventure, as well as provide use ful information immediatly applicable to community problems. This chapter points out types of use ful near shore ocean studies which can be made by an individual or group of scientists, without requining espensive equipment. These example are only a few of the studies that have been made, and of the equipmnent and techniques that have been used.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Océanographie Météorologie Température Qualité de l'eau Erosion Sédimentation Topographie Navigation Océanologie Index. décimale : 631.45 Erosion et lutte anti-érosion 631.46 Résumé : The discovery of new fact about the near shore ocean environnement and finding out why the ocean and its boundaries behave as they do can be an exciting adventure, as well as provide use ful information immediatly applicable to community problems. This chapter points out types of use ful near shore ocean studies which can be made by an individual or group of scientists, without requining espensive equipment. These example are only a few of the studies that have been made, and of the equipmnent and techniques that have been used. Note de contenu : The discovery of new fact about the near shore ocean environnement and finding out why the ocean and its boundaries behave as they do can be an exciting adventure, as well as provide use ful information immediatly applicable to community problems. This chapter points out types of use ful near shore ocean studies which can be made by an individual or group of scientists, without requining espensive equipment. These example are only a few of the studies that have been made, and of the equipmnent and techniques that have been used. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B171.200210 CI-07171 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B171.200208 CI-07171 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B171.200209 CI-07171 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B171.200207 CI-07171 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B171.200206 CI-07171 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B171.200204 CI-07171 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B171.200205 CI-07171 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B171.200203 CI-07171 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Résultats des observations lagunaires éffectuées au Warf du centre de recherches océanographiques d'Abidjan : salinité du 23 Juillet 1958 au 31 Décembre 1962 / Privé, M.
Titre : Résultats des observations lagunaires éffectuées au Warf du centre de recherches océanographiques d'Abidjan : salinité du 23 Juillet 1958 au 31 Décembre 1962 Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Privé, M. Mention d'édition : Centre de Recherches Océanographiques Ministère de l'agriculture Editeur : Centre de Recherches Océanographiques Ministère de l'agriculture Année de publication : 1962 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-06258 Note générale : Le document présente les observations éffectuées sur la salinité sous forme de tableaux. Ce faisant, il passe en revue les salinités des années 1958-1962. Mots-clés : Salinité Océanographie Lagune Océanologie Index. décimale : 551.47 Océanographie dynamique : Résumé : Le document présente les observations éffectuées sur la salinité sous forme de tableaux. Ce faisant, il passe en revue les salinités des années 1958-1962. Note de contenu : Le document présente les observations éffectuées sur la salinité sous forme de tableaux. Ce faisant, il passe en revue les salinités des années 1958-1962. Résultats des observations lagunaires éffectuées au Warf du centre de recherches océanographiques d'Abidjan : salinité du 23 Juillet 1958 au 31 Décembre 1962 [texte imprimé] / Privé, M. . - Centre de Recherches Océanographiques Ministère de l'agriculture . - Centre de Recherches Océanographiques Ministère de l'agriculture, 1962.
ISSN : CI-06258
Le document présente les observations éffectuées sur la salinité sous forme de tableaux. Ce faisant, il passe en revue les salinités des années 1958-1962.
Mots-clés : Salinité Océanographie Lagune Océanologie Index. décimale : 551.47 Océanographie dynamique : Résumé : Le document présente les observations éffectuées sur la salinité sous forme de tableaux. Ce faisant, il passe en revue les salinités des années 1958-1962. Note de contenu : Le document présente les observations éffectuées sur la salinité sous forme de tableaux. Ce faisant, il passe en revue les salinités des années 1958-1962. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03B258.177265 CI-06258 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B258.177266 CI-06258 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B258.177263 CI-06258 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B258.177264 CI-06258 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B258.177261 CI-06258 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B258.177262 CI-06258 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B258.177259 CI-06258 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03B258.177260 CI-06258 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Rev. Hydrobiol. trop, 2. L'environnement climatique des lagunes Ivoiriennes / Durand, J. R.