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Etude d'une entreprise du secteur privé:Cas de l'entreprise Nikièma $Cie / Barbizo, A.
Titre : Etude d'une entreprise du secteur privé:Cas de l'entreprise Nikièma $Cie Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Barbizo, A. ; Bedolla, A. ; Uruwyler, D. Mention d'édition : EIER Editeur : EIER Année de publication : 1999 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : ER 3920 Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : ENTREPRISE ENTREPRENEUR SECTEUR PUBLIC SECTEUR PRIVE MAIN D'OEUVRE ENC PME TPE Index. décimale : 658 Gestion des entreprises privées et publiques Etude d'une entreprise du secteur privé:Cas de l'entreprise Nikièma $Cie [texte imprimé] / Barbizo, A. ; Bedolla, A. ; Uruwyler, D. . - EIER . - EIER, 1999.
ISSN : ER 3920
Langues : Français (fre)
Mots-clés : ENTREPRISE ENTREPRENEUR SECTEUR PUBLIC SECTEUR PRIVE MAIN D'OEUVRE ENC PME TPE Index. décimale : 658 Gestion des entreprises privées et publiques Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité ER99P920.7657 ER 3920 $r non conforme -- Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Public sector irrigation training: Guidelines for preparing strategies and programs
Titre : Public sector irrigation training: Guidelines for preparing strategies and programs Type de document : texte imprimé Mention d'édition : World Bank AID Editeur : World Bank AID Année de publication : 1989 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : CI-07330 Note générale : This document presents a rational and a fram work to guide senior menagers as they establish training appropriate to their countries. Its consists of 4 chapters. Chapter1 describes the current need of the irrigation sector to adress investment in the training of humain resources. Chapers 2 examines two issues: first, the performance pbjectives in irrigation how they can be used by irrigation organisations to provide improve servives, and second, a surey of conventional forms organizations and their staffs. Chapters 3 reviewy systematic approaches to training for irrigation departments and chapter 4 discusses some important choices managers must makes in planning strategies appropriate to their conditions. The strategie choices are presented as guidelines, rather than as recommendations because specific content appropriate for one country migh very well not be relevant for another - some detailed example are given. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Irrigation Secteur public Ressources humaines Agriculture Méthodologie Maintenance Formation Stratégie développement Index. décimale : 631.58 Méthodes de culture : jachère, assolement irrigation Résumé : This document presents a rational and a fram work to guide senior menagers as they establish training appropriate to their countries. Its consists of 4 chapters. Chapter1 describes the current need of the irrigation sector to adress investment in the training of humain resources. Chapers 2 examines two issues: first, the performance pbjectives in irrigation how they can be used by irrigation organisations to provide improve servives, and second, a surey of conventional forms organizations and their staffs. Chapters 3 reviewy systematic approaches to training for irrigation departments and chapter 4 discusses some important choices managers must makes in planning strategies appropriate to their conditions. The strategie choices are presented as guidelines, rather than as recommendations because specific content appropriate for one country migh very well not be relevant for another - some detailed example are given. Note de contenu : This document presents a rational and a fram work to guide senior menagers as they establish training appropriate to their countries. Its consists of 4 chapters. Chapter1 describes the current need of the irrigation sector to adress investment in the training of humain resources. Chapers 2 examines two issues: first, the performance pbjectives in irrigation how they can be used by irrigation organisations to provide improve servives, and second, a surey of conventional forms organizations and their staffs. Chapters 3 reviewy systematic approaches to training for irrigation departments and chapter 4 discusses some important choices managers must makes in planning strategies appropriate to their conditions. The strategie choices are presented as guidelines, rather than as recommendations because specific content appropriate for one country migh very well not be relevant for another - some detailed example are given. Public sector irrigation training: Guidelines for preparing strategies and programs [texte imprimé] . - World Bank AID . - World Bank AID, 1989.
ISSN : CI-07330
This document presents a rational and a fram work to guide senior menagers as they establish training appropriate to their countries. Its consists of 4 chapters. Chapter1 describes the current need of the irrigation sector to adress investment in the training of humain resources. Chapers 2 examines two issues: first, the performance pbjectives in irrigation how they can be used by irrigation organisations to provide improve servives, and second, a surey of conventional forms organizations and their staffs. Chapters 3 reviewy systematic approaches to training for irrigation departments and chapter 4 discusses some important choices managers must makes in planning strategies appropriate to their conditions. The strategie choices are presented as guidelines, rather than as recommendations because specific content appropriate for one country migh very well not be relevant for another - some detailed example are given.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Irrigation Secteur public Ressources humaines Agriculture Méthodologie Maintenance Formation Stratégie développement Index. décimale : 631.58 Méthodes de culture : jachère, assolement irrigation Résumé : This document presents a rational and a fram work to guide senior menagers as they establish training appropriate to their countries. Its consists of 4 chapters. Chapter1 describes the current need of the irrigation sector to adress investment in the training of humain resources. Chapers 2 examines two issues: first, the performance pbjectives in irrigation how they can be used by irrigation organisations to provide improve servives, and second, a surey of conventional forms organizations and their staffs. Chapters 3 reviewy systematic approaches to training for irrigation departments and chapter 4 discusses some important choices managers must makes in planning strategies appropriate to their conditions. The strategie choices are presented as guidelines, rather than as recommendations because specific content appropriate for one country migh very well not be relevant for another - some detailed example are given. Note de contenu : This document presents a rational and a fram work to guide senior menagers as they establish training appropriate to their countries. Its consists of 4 chapters. Chapter1 describes the current need of the irrigation sector to adress investment in the training of humain resources. Chapers 2 examines two issues: first, the performance pbjectives in irrigation how they can be used by irrigation organisations to provide improve servives, and second, a surey of conventional forms organizations and their staffs. Chapters 3 reviewy systematic approaches to training for irrigation departments and chapter 4 discusses some important choices managers must makes in planning strategies appropriate to their conditions. The strategie choices are presented as guidelines, rather than as recommendations because specific content appropriate for one country migh very well not be relevant for another - some detailed example are given. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité CI03330.57424 CI-07330 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03330.57423 CI-07330 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03330.57422 CI-07330 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03330.57421 CI-07330 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03330.57420 CI-07330 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03330.57419 CI-07330 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03330.57418 CI-07330 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible CI03330.57417 CI-07330 Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Bulletin de liaison du CIEH. Eau-assainissement-électricité : étude de la séparation des fonctions / Bordes, J.
Titre de série : Bulletin de liaison du CIEH Titre : Eau-assainissement-électricité : étude de la séparation des fonctions Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Bordes, J. Année de publication : juil-86 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : ER 3526.4 Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : DISTRIBUTION D'EAU ASSAINISSEMENT ELECTRICITE METIER SERVICE PUBLIC STATUT JURIDIQUE FINANCE PUBLIQUE SECTEUR PRIVE SECTEUR PUBLIC INVESTISSEMENT FINANCEMENT PERSONNEL RENTABILITE COMPARAISON ANALYSE CRITIQUE POLITIQUE DE L'EAU Index. décimale : 553.7 Eau : classer ici les ouvrages généraux sur l'eau Bulletin de liaison du CIEH. Eau-assainissement-électricité : étude de la séparation des fonctions [texte imprimé] / Bordes, J. . - juil-86.
ISSN : ER 3526.4
Langues : Français (fre)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité ER96C526.188339 ER 3526.4 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER96C526.188340 ER 3526.4 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER96C526.188341 ER 3526.4 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER96C526.188342 ER 3526.4 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER96C526.188343 ER 3526.4 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER96C526.188344 ER 3526.4 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER96C526.188345 ER 3526.4 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible ER96C526.188346 ER 3526.4 Périodique Bibliothèque CDI-Ouaga Fond documentaire Disponible Partager la connaissance pour une gestion des ressources en eau équitable éfficace et durable: Toolbox/ gestion intégrée des ressources eau (GIRE)
Titre : Partager la connaissance pour une gestion des ressources en eau équitable éfficace et durable: Toolbox/ gestion intégrée des ressources eau (GIRE) Type de document : texte imprimé Mention d'édition : Global Water Partnership Editeur : Global Water Partnership Année de publication : 2003 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : ET GEOP1(155) Mots-clés : RESSOURCE EN EAU GESTION ENVIRONNEMENT POLITIQUE EAU QUALITE DE L'EAU DROIT EVALUATION SECTEUR PUBLIC RESSOURCES HUMAINES ECOSYSTEME CONSERVATION DE L'EAU PROBLEME DE L'EAU GIRE Index. décimale : 553.7 Eau : classer ici les ouvrages généraux sur l'eau Partager la connaissance pour une gestion des ressources en eau équitable éfficace et durable: Toolbox/ gestion intégrée des ressources eau (GIRE) [texte imprimé] . - Global Water Partnership . - Global Water Partnership, 2003.
ISSN : ET GEOP1(155)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité ET03B096.2641 ET GEOP1(155) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET03B096.2642 ET GEOP1(155) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET03B096.2643 ET GEOP1(155) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET03B096.2644 ET GEOP1(155) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET03B096.2645 ET GEOP1(155) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET03B096.2646 ET GEOP1(155) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET03B096.2647 ET GEOP1(155) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible ET03B096.2648 ET GEOP1(155) Monographie Bibliothèque CDI-Kamboinsé Fond documentaire Disponible